Wonder why you don’t feel good at times without any reason?

Wonder why you don’t feel good at times without any reason?

Well, we are an energy system and as long as we don’t hold all our pieces within, we are flying off the handle! Literally. Hard to stop energy from moving!

So imagine, there you are, momentarily harnessed in you, and all is groovy. Then something happens in your environment, at work, at home, wherever. A thought hit your mind and off you go… out!

Your child is hurting, you see something on TV that moves you, a friend confides in you, a co-worker is struggling, clients expose their problems, you have all these demands made on your system, soliciting your energy. To a degree you hold on well. You are efficient, you respond, you are a trained and responsible asset of your family, your company, your enterprise, wherever you operate. So far so good.

But something moves in you at all times, your energy, the energy of others, the collective unconsciousness, the climate, your biorhythms, you are constantly subjected to a ton of solicitations and you do your very best to balance and counteract their effects.

First off, we have to understand that no matter how well we function, we still are fragmented; that is the premises of humanity, since we lose a part of our consciousness by incarnating in our body. So as long as we are not whole, which means having done our work of retrieving our missing parts, we are going to go out! Because it is the most natural place our energy is going to go to search for its missing part. It is also called the projection mechanism.

We see something outside that resembles us, a fragment of us in the 3-D mirror, and off we go. We project ourselves onto our loved ones, our children, a colleague, a friend, you name it! Then we become co-dependent with those protagonists with the invariable count of expectation, resentment, jealousy, all the way to excessive love, guilt and compassion.

That is a solid habit that all of us are attached to. We have done that for life times, trying to find ourselves in the outer world, in the reflection of the mirror… because that’s what is presented to us to begin with, that’s what we know!

Away from ourselves, we feel bad. That is a natural response of our guidance system letting us know that we stepped away!

So how to remedy that state of things, come back to ourselves and operate from a centered place, solidly harnessed into our Self? How do we come from a loving place, a place of detachment, which means coming from an original place of love, the true heart, instead of being there into someone and love in retrospect?

We certainly have learned a lot, especially in the last decades. We do yoga, we meditate, we take care of our emotions. We have awaken. And that’s good. Is it enough? No, it’s a progress but we are still incomplete.

We don’t know that there is a part of our divine essence that is still missing. We kind of heard of it, at least some of us, but we don’t really measure the distance that still separates us from that deep unity with the full count of energy that we really are.

And it’s not our fault. That part of divinity never really revealed itself but lately. The Mother of Creation has been treated as a secondary element of divinity. Eve was born from a rib of Adam…ha ha… The Goddess energy has never really been validated to the true measure that She is and therefore, we are still treating Her, the missing part of ourselves, with unconscious fear and a little condescendence and we don’t know how to really approach it and own it.

Stay tuned for more next time…


  • Taken away from yourself by your children, your partner, your job, your friends?
  • Longing to enjoy without having to pay a price?

Hey, let’s chat, that’s what I am here for, to help you find out more about the joy of being you without restrictions! Drop me a line at info@nataliekawai.com or PM me on Facebook!

Wonder why you don't feel good at times without any reasons?

About Natalie 

Spiritual Teacher and revolutionary thought leader, Natalie Kawai is a messenger of the Great Mother of Creation. She champions the rise of feminine energy. This part of our presence having been denied from time of creation, we feel that something is missing. Time to return to wholeness and enjoy fulfillment beyond conditional  happiness.Born on the shore of lake Geneva Switzerland, she now calls Hawaii her home! Her passion is to guide people to ultimate fulfillment, beyond all ego. She also is a music composer and an artist. 


Why doesn’t life give you what you want?

Why doesn’t life give you what you want?

Let’s now talk about how to go along with our soul agreements, how to hear them, respect them and join force with them to a higher place of consciousness.

We can definitely say that listening to our heart is the closest thing to start with. The pulse of our heart transmits the frequency of our soul and we do receive messages that way. The pulse of our heart can also be called intuition. They make us feel good.

The problem is that as long as we are in duality, there are two tracks that speak through us: the track of Source and the track of ego. And they both feel good, because ego will make you think you are on the track of Source. That’s the favorite weapon of ego. You can pray or meditate for guidance and since you come from duality, you will receive what you want to receive, because the Universe can only send you the messages that you want to receive. Why? Because you have free will and that is going to influence your vibration. If you ask for blue, you will receive blue. Ask and it’s given.

Remember the universe never imposes itself on you.

And it’s ok, no fault here, just experience. Then along the way, you will feel that your “guidance” is not really giving you the right answers anymore, your intuition is not bullet proof, it challenges you. That’s exactly how you decide to short circuit your free will, and play forth with your masterful soul agreements. A soul agreement as we know is a force that is most influential because it has been set by you prior to incarnation. There is no way you can go against yourself forever. It would be counterproductive.

So when you don’t get what you want, despite all your efforts, you need to know that you are up against a soul agreement that will not let you deviate the purpose of your soul any longer. And that serves your highest interest, even though it doesn’t necessarily feel that way!

What to do then? Time to feel what you really feel— the frustration, the anger, the disappointment, the sadness, the despair and so forth. You can’t get over them by creating new stuff or better situations anymore, you are pointed toward those feelings, the feelings you wanted to avoid at all costs.  A part of you needs to be retrieved and the only way to retrieve it is through feeling it.

That’s the time when you will get in accord with you and harmonize with your soul agreements and let them know that you got their message and don’t want to fight them anymore.

What you want that doesn’t show up as yet is the mere expression of a part of you that you don’t own as yet. Your soul is asking you to retrieve that part before you can manifest what you want.

A soul agreement pushes us to access full presence so that we stop creating to prove ourselves and our value, but instead BE that worthiness and create from a place of full alignment with our Source.


  • Frustrated, defeated or puzzled because you don’t get what you want?
  • Wondering what’s wrong with you?
  • Feeling a bit left out?

Then let’s talk. Book a one-on-one free consultation with me and let’s take a look at why you can’t create what you want to create! info@NatalieKawai.com

Why doesn't life give you what you want?

About Natalie

Spiritual Teacher and revolutionary thought leader, Natalie Kawai is a messenger of the Great Mother of Creation. She champions the rise of feminine energy. This part of our presence having been denied from time of creation, we feel that something is missing. Time to return to wholeness and enjoy fulfillment beyond conditional  happiness.Born on the shore of lake Geneva Switzerland, she now calls Hawaii her home! Her passion is to guide people to ultimate fulfillment, beyond all ego. She also is a music composer and an artist. 

