by Natalie Kawai | Apr 26, 2016 | Blog, Uncategorized
When a desire arises, we feel inspired and start to take action and that is exciting. Our creativity is at play! Since we are attached to proving our selves, our worthiness, our importance at the level of effect, we have a tendency to attach ourselves to the outcome, and are going to validate ourselves according to the results we obtain out there in the 3-D, in the “to have” level of reflection. We attach our sense of self with the result and if the result doesn’t come, we take a dive and question our value. We are projected onto the outcome and long for it because we’ve changed location: we’ve moved from here to there.
Our super intelligent emotional body, beloved guide, is going to tell us about that relocation with strong and painful signals. We become angry, frustrated, depressed if things aren’t showing up, or are taken away. Our sense of self is questioned and we are in pain. What that pain is telling us is that we are projected onto something/someone out there and are away from ourselves. The only way to come back to ourselves is to detach, and therefore retrieve ourselves.
The drive of our wants is a very intelligent dynamic that naturally propels us to finding ourselves. Every time we encounter difficulties to manifest our desires, we get an opportunity to gain ourselves by simply meeting and embracing the discomfort/pain we experience. In so doing we re-own that piece of us projected onto the outcome of our desire. We detach from our projection and come back to ourself. If there were no desires we wouldn’t be able to find out about the mechanism of our projections, we wouldn’t be able to find ourselves. The intelligence of our soul agreements is magnificent.
Since a negative feeling is sent to warn us that we left our center to go out there in the 3-D; that we have become identified with “to have” instead of “to be”, we have to come back through the same path: the feeling. If we don’t feel the pain/discomfort and choose to operate instead from thinking: “I let go”, or “I release”, the work is only partial. We might feel temporarily better, but we don’t retrieve ourselves. We just manipulate the feeling with the thinking. That is simply a form of very subtle control of the Will by the Spirit.
Our wishes can all come true naturally if they are emanating from their origin: Source. We are made out of the Will and the Spirit: the Essence. When all of it is retrieved, we are a match to our point of origin, we resonate with our Source. When that happens, we are very magnetic and very inspired, or very creative. We attract to ourselves easily and naturally. If we tweak the results of our desires with some thinking manipulation, we might have the results we want but we won’t have ourselves! Not interfering, not getting in our own way trying to prove ourselves through the manifestation of our desires, is the goal. By following the track of the desire, and addressing the feelings that arise in the process, we detach ourselves from the outcome –the level of having and therefore attach ourselves back to our Source –the level of being, from which the true power of creation is coming.
Isn’t that the purpose of the whole game, to be who we are?
When a desire is coming from Source, and neither patterns nor projections are attached, we can truly enjoy free creation. Then we let the greatest force at play orchestrate the manifestation, without concerns about when and how, because it’s being in the game that is fun and valuable, not winning the game to prove ourselves. We have then operated a drastic shift from having to being, from form to Essence. That is creating from the heart, the feeling, the level of creation that is coming from Source. Our divinity—desires, flowing throughout our humanity—emotions, allows us to know who we are with an experience, a sense of it. That is the beauty of being human!
- In touch with your deepest desires?
- Ready to learn how to handle your negative feelings, and turn them into power?
Let’s talk! Feel free to reach out for your no obligation discovery session:

About Natalie
Spiritual Teacher and revolutionary thought leader, Natalie Kawai is a messenger of the Great Mother of Creation. She champions the rise of feminine energy. This part of our presence having been denied from time of creation, we feel that something is missing. Time to return to wholeness and enjoy fulfillment beyond conditional happiness. Born on the shore of lake Geneva Switzerland, she now calls Hawaii her home! Her passion is to guide people to ultimate fulfillment, beyond all ego. She also is a music composer and an artist.
by Natalie Kawai | Apr 16, 2016 | Uncategorized
In order to achieve well-being, to feel good in our own skin—guess what? We have to be in that skin, in our body! Our worse enemy is to be out without knowing it!
Why is it so essential to be grounded in the body? Because the body is precisely the place where we can harness our energy, and therefore gather it to feel it. And that’s what feels good! Our body is a monitoring system allowing us to have an experience of the well-being of our presence.
So what takes us out? Our mind and emotions, the whole dance of stress with worry, anxiety and fear, because we live in the expectations planted by our programing, instead of accepting life as a platform of experience. When we are identified with our thoughts and emotions, we let them take us away from ourselves, away from our body and the power of each moment. We don’t realize that by going out of our body we betray, in a sense of dishonoring, ourselves and that causes us pain.
The programs stacked up within us trigger energy— thoughts and emotions that cause us to stress out. We feel ill-at-ease and start crawling out of our skin in a survival reaction of escapism. We don’t know we do that but we do. Once out of the body, we spin our wheels, unaware of what we feel anymore; the body, feeling deserted tenses up triggering a new wave of thoughts and emotions, worry, anxiety, fear that stresses us out…
Away from our body we can’t feel our presence, therefore we live in our absence, which keeps us locked into a non-stop cycle of denial.
- overall tension, crisps jaws, pressure in the chest…
- can’t relax, can’t fall asleep, tossing and turning, mind running wild…
- tense, worry, anxious, stressed out…
Let’s talk! Feel free to reach out for your no obligation discovery session. I am here to help!
About Natalie
Spiritual Teacher and revolutionary thought leader, Natalie Kawai is a messenger of the Great Mother of Creation. She champions the rise of feminine energy. This part of our presence having been denied from time of creation, we feel that something is missing. Time to return to wholeness and enjoy fulfillment beyond conditional happiness. Born on the shore of lake Geneva Switzerland, she now calls Hawaii her home! Her passion is to guide people to ultimate fulfillment, beyond all ego. She also is a music composer and an artist.
by Natalie Kawai | Apr 8, 2016 | Blog, Uncategorized
A “story of happiness” lies in each one of us. It is all laid out in the very unconscious tracks of our psyche, woven with the fueling threads of our mind.
The “story of happiness” is a scenario that we concoct to harness the strong energy of our desires, in the subjacent quest of retrieving ourselves. That might sound a bit abstract; so let me elaborate a little more.
We land on Earth with an inner curriculum that we will constantly be called to follow. This setting is very intricately outlined by our soul agreements and serves one goal only: retrieving self through experience, and thus realizing Self.
With the partial loss of our substance, and experiencing ourselves consciously through the retrieval of our scattered parts, we scaffold scenarios, stories that will encompass our ideas of the “Grail”, of our Source. Our “story of happiness” is a 3-D transposition of what it would feel like to be whole and nested in our Source. It metaphorically captures that desired state through a specific tale that is unique and specific to everyone.
We all have this subjacent film running in our head, guiding our actions and choices at all times. The avid chase we go through to bring the elements of our story of happiness mobilizes a lot of our energy, inside and out. It consumes close to 3⁄4 of our hard drive capacity, limiting movement with the clutter that it is causing us. We are stuck in the confined perimeter of our pictures, blinded and unable to free space for our true genius to express.
We are not aware of this tunnel vision and unfortunately become used to that limited capacity, acting in predictable ways, following the groove of the script all lined up within.
The story of happiness is a replica, an emblem of what we would live if we were in our Self; but it also serves another design. Longing for the “dream” reveals latent pain that we wouldn’t access otherwise. Remember, as long as we don’t truly feel our pain, meet with it, we don’t transmute our programs and can’t align with Source. By not recognizing our pain, denying or avoiding it, we simply stay stuck away from ourselves.
We think we are unhappy because we donʼt have what we want, because we donʼt live our “story of happiness”, when in truth we are unhappy because we donʼt have “who we are”. Therefore the pain is not created by the unfulfilled “dream”; itʼs already there beneath. Not having what we want only exposes it. That intricacy demonstrates, one more time, how everything in our world is brilliantly orchestrated for our ultimate achievement.
Awakening from the illusion, from the dream of life is our fundamental drive; the hidden purpose that lies underneath everything we do, everybody we meet, every situation we create. The fastest way to accomplish that is by feeling the pain of our deep longing for oneness; and not living “the story of happiness” will certainly do the job! The good news is that when we are on task and retrieve ourselves, there is no longing, or chasing the dream anymore. One lives the dream, a life that has become the true “story of happiness”.
- Want to know what your Source really feels like?
- Stop chasing the dream, awaken from the illusion?
- Live life fully and enjoy each breath you take?
Don’t hesitate to connect. Together we’ll uncover more in your complimentary discovery session!

About Natalie
Spiritual Teacher and revolutionary thought leader, Natalie Kawai is a messenger of the Great Mother of Creation. She champions the rise of feminine energy. This part of our presence having been denied from time of creation, we feel that something is missing. Time to return to wholeness and enjoy fulfillment beyond conditional happiness. Born on the shore of lake Geneva Switzerland, she now calls Hawaii her home! Her passion is to guide people to ultimate fulfillment, beyond all ego. She also is a music composer and an artist.
by Natalie Kawai | Apr 3, 2016 | Blog, Uncategorized
The missing link, what is it?
Underneath our emotions lies the real gold!
In our human experience, two tracks are always running, our creative power divided in two parts. The mind and its thoughts, and the heart and its emotions. We have investigated the first one a lot, to the point where we are able to create realities by retraining our mind. We definitely have a handle on the mindset, however we still don’t know that it is partial and consequently limited.
We know about the power of emotions and we have gotten a definite handle on it as well; either by flowing positive emotions to superimpose the negatives, or by zapping the negatives from the unconscious layers which alleviate their charge and makes us feel better. We have mastered the way we feel to a degree, rising above our negativity which led us to better express ourselves. We regained space in our hard drive, a huge could has been lifted.
So far so good, and there is more than the simple engineering of our emotions. We have become so very good a replacing what is bad by what is good, whether it is thoughts or emotions, that we have not pushed further enough to uncover the truth underneath our emotions, where the real essence is still lying dormant.
An emotion is an energy that is pointing out towards a piece of ourselves still inactive. This energy is the “Will” the energy of the Mother of Creation, her very substance. It is time for us to recover that essence to become whole; wholeness being the origin of the Will, its point of departure.
… ”Deep in our matrix, lies a part of ourselves that has never been awakened. We hold within a lost consciousness that longs to return. This energy is our Mother of Creation; She has been denied since the beginning of time for the purpose of evolution. Whether men or women, we all bear that sacred substance within. Its name is the Will, coming from the Whole”. —First paragraph of my book “Conversations With Mother Goddess”.
When we don’t feel good, it is because our essence is calling us with a signal and wants to be retrieved. Since we don’t know that, we use our tools and do whatever we learned to feel better, thus stopping the depth of the signal. Feeling what we feel is honoring our emotions without a doubt, but the descent is not profound enough and the problem remains, the real gold is not found as yet. We only recover a portion of it but not the full amount.
That is the work cut out for us in the New Era. We have to awaken these deep seeded layers so that we can fully align with all the creative power of Source, and relegate the ego and darkness to an old memory. As long as there is ego, there is interference and therefore no wholeness; and as long as there is no wholeness, there is no return to Source.
It is now time to be our Source, not just emulate it anymore, and for that we have to reach wholeness!

- You want to be the person you aspire to be
- You want to make a difference in the world
- You want to go beyond the settled order of things
- And you want to feel your best!
Let’s talk! Connect with me for your complimentary discovery session! We’ll see how you can resurge more of your presence, feel good all the way and transform lives by being who you truly are:
About Natalie
Spiritual Teacher and revolutionary thought leader, Natalie Kawai is a messenger of the Great Mother of Creation. She champions the rise of feminine energy. This part of our presence having been denied from time of creation, we feel that something is missing. Time to return to wholeness and enjoy fulfillment beyond conditional happiness. Born on the shore of lake Geneva Switzerland, she now calls Hawaii her home! Her passion is to guide people to ultimate fulfillment, beyond all ego. She also is a music composer and an artist.

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