by Natalie Kawai | Jun 21, 2016 | Blog, Uncategorized
Why can’t we surrender the weapons and tricks of our ego that easily and why is it so hard to shift from the paradigm of our programming to the true nature that we are and all yearn for?
The number one reason is of course the fact that we are not conscious of being programmed, since we don’t remember that we replaced our lost consciousness by some foreign elements that made us feel whole again in a pseudo manner.
Number 2 is that we lived for so long in the tapestry of our woven programs that we became confused with it. We are therefore attached to them, and worse they became our pseudo identity. We will fight for this pseudo identity very hard, like for the blood in our veins! That goes to show the momentum and supremacy that this entity (our pseudo self) has gained over time.
Number 3 is the fact that even though we want our true self and are called by it, we are afraid of it, locked in a 2 steps forward, 2 steps backward kind of a dance. We wonder why we would rather sabotage our chance to be ourselves, rather than going all the way. We don’t understand why even though the right choice is right in front of us, we turn our back on it and fall back into the trap of avoidance, procrastination, addictions, victimization, or any kind of stories that pulls us away from embracing our true power and respecting ourselves 100%.
Why don’t we do what our heart deeply tells us to do? Because we are in the habit of sabotaging ourselves out of a tenacious claw that holds all of us very tight: the guilt to be and the fear to be.
Let’s examine those. Why on Earth would I feel guilty to be, one could ask? Well, this feeling is of course super unconscious and doesn’t apparently make any sense unless we dig a little further down into why we would feel that way. So let’s go back to its origin. We exit Source and immediately after everything collapses. Not only do we feel the tremendous pain of being out of Source, but we also are terrified because we don’t know where we are. To top it all, we think we made a tremendous mistake and totally blew it. In short, we feel guilty, for having come out and created the mess we are in. That guilt is reflected by Christianity with the concept of original sin. The real origin of the guilt is actually anterior. When the Father pushes the Mother away, he receives guilt as a signal that something went wrong. We just top this first guilt with ours.
Now there is another aspect to the guilt. We not only feel guilty because we think it’s all our fault, but we also feel that “being” is the inherent nature of divinity, the energy we come from and have lost. Since we wrongfully think we made a mistake by exiting and thus fell in disgrace, “banished from Eden”, we no longer feel worth that being-ness. Being becomes the “privilege” of divinity and thinking we have the right to be would be a blasphemy. All we are entitled to is to do our best to redeem ourselves until God bestows mercy upon us. This is not a scenario that we have consciously in mind of course, this runs into the deepest tracks of our subconscious, and one has to be willing to take a look, meaning dig in these layers, to truly unwind the predicament.
Needless to say that with this intricate set of thoughts, we have a hard time trusting ourselves.
Thinking we made a mistake and then lost our privilege to be doesn’t promote an easy way back to embracing our being-ness, our true nature. We unconsciously fight it, driven by these deep and subconscious beliefs that if we don’t exorcise and dismantle, will prevent us to return to our Source, embrace our true nature of being and thus become whole.
How do we address a belief that I am not even aware would be a legitimate question. ….to be followed.
Next week we’ll go further into that!
- Have you done all you could do to solve a problem you have and it is not going away?
- Why can’t you create the life you really want?
Feel free to connect with me for your no-obligation discovery session! I’ll rock the boat of your unconscious beliefs! Throw me a note and I’ll be glad to answer!

About Natalie
Spiritual Teacher and revolutionary thought leader, Natalie Kawai is a messenger of the Great Mother of Creation. She champions the rise of feminine energy. This part of our presence having been denied from time of creation, we feel that something is missing. Time to return to wholeness and enjoy fulfillment beyond conditional happiness. Born on the shore of lake Geneva Switzerland, she now calls Hawaii her home! Her passion is to guide people to ultimate fulfillment, beyond all ego. She also is a music composer and an artist.
by Natalie Kawai | Jun 14, 2016 | Blog, Uncategorized
Being incarnated in a physical body is quite a challenge! On the one hand we love it, enjoy it, and on the other we hate it. Let me explain.
We have to identify with the body since upon incarnation it becomes our reality, but deep within we long for the essence we are coming from, our Source. We also think we made a mistake by becoming physical, which conveys a need to redeem ourselves. This need expresses in a deep seeded punishment from subtle to heavy.
We are in deep duality and constant conflict between matter and Spirit. We desperately want to be pure to be able to return to our Source, and therefore, very unconsciously push against the body and the emotional energy or Will. That’s one of the reasons we end up dying.
We think that returning to our prior home, Source, has to come with lining up with our Spirit, the only aspect of Source we know. That’s why we emulate that part of Source with positive thinking and attitude, repressing the negative emotions or zapping them out of our system.
The Spirit is not alone in the composition of the Essence of Life. The other aspect is “the Will” which lies down in the physical and emotional bodies, as a guidance system to precisely track down these last elements of wholeness, the parts we are not aware of. When we push against our emotions and avoid them, or when we unconsciously push against our physical body, what we deny is part of ourselves. We alienate ourselves from the element that would make us whole and back in alignment with our Source.
Upon death, the Spirit, very light and volatile, gets out of the body quickly and goes back to Source. Whereas the energy of the body stays back, feeling rejected and discarded repeatedly; it has never been accepted as divine energy, and is therefore, unable to rise. Since the energy of the Body cannot rise, the Will, which is stored in the bones, stays trapped as well. After decomposition or cremation of the body, the Will and the energy of the body stay hovering around the Earth plane as long as they have momentum, forming what is known as ghosts.
Since we have not reunited with the Body energy nor with the Will, we unknowingly continue to be in dichotomy pushing against them. Acceptance is the green light for the Body and the Will energies to be able to rise and get collected back into Source. The love of the Heart is needed to accomplish that total return to Source. The Heart is the blender between upper chakras— spiritual bodies, and lower chakras— physical body. That’s why Jesus— the Heart said, “You can only go to Source through me”. Which means we have to open our Heart and accept our Body and our Will. Then we will blend all the elements of our Self back into one and back into Source. Opening the Heart and accepting the Body and the Will takes work. It requires going through the pain of being away from our Source.
These aspects of creation are vital. As long as we stay away from parts of ourselves and keep controlling our lives with our minds and our belief systems, we will not know who we are entirely, and will stay isolated from our Source.
- Do you feel ambivalent with your body, you don’t accept it fully?
- Do you wonder how to accept your body energy, in the way you have not fathom yet?
- Do you want to be whole all the way?
Feel free to connect with me for your discovery session, no obligation! I will answer your questions.

About Natalie
Spiritual Teacher and revolutionary thought leader, Natalie Kawai is a messenger of the Great Mother of Creation. She champions the rise of feminine energy. This part of our presence having been denied from time of creation, we feel that something is missing. Time to return to wholeness and enjoy fulfillment beyond conditional happiness. Born on the shore of lake Geneva Switzerland, she now calls Hawaii her home! Her passion is to guide people to ultimate fulfillment, beyond all ego. She also is a music composer and an artist.
by Natalie Kawai | Jun 7, 2016 | Blog, Uncategorized
Because we unknowingly lived forever in the lack of ourselves by missing the Will or Mother energy, we feel diminished; only a portion of our in-heritage is present. We have functioned on one leg instead of two, thus feeling invalid —a part of our value is off. This denied energy causes us to believe that we are not entitled to be, being-ness is only for divinity. That’s why we are stuck in mimicking our Source instead of reaching to be it. We think we are “only human” which disallows us to go the whole nine yards and re-enter our place in Source.
Before we can become one with our Source, we are in relationship with it. We relate with our Source as a reassurance-communication platform in order to know whether we are on the right track. When we belong with our place in Source, we have stepped into it, and therefore, we don’t need to relate with it to find out whether or not we are on track. We just know it.
The purpose of incarnation is to lose consciousness to create a strong motivation to regain it. That happens by experiencing Source and our disconnection from it. Once we regain our lost consciousness we regain our place in Source; we have returned home and are now fully conscious of who we are. And that is the very goal, since before the Big-Bang we were in Source without knowing who we are.
Instead of doing the work of recovering our lost consciousness, we have a tendency to stay stuck in emulation which is an unconscious projection of ourselves onto Source as a way to feel safe and on track.
Time to evolve and move forward— Let’s get over our unconscious complacency to remain diminished!
- Unsure about the meaning of emulating vs. being Source?
- Questions about how to evolve and be all that you are?
I am here to answer. Feel free to connect with me and ask for your no-obligation discovery session:
About Natalie Kawai
Spiritual Teacher and revolutionary thought leader, Natalie Kawai is a messenger of the Great Mother of Creation. She champions the rise of feminine energy. This part of our presence having been denied from time of creation, we feel that something is missing. Time to return to wholeness and enjoy fulfillment beyond conditional happiness. Born on the shore of lake Geneva Switzerland, she now calls Hawaii her home! Her passion is to guide people to ultimate fulfillment, beyond all ego. She also is a music composer and an artist.
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