Resistance is our configuration. We are made out of flesh and bones, structurally functional because of our inherent resistance. That’s our human garment. Inwardly we learned how to resist since day one of creation. Feeling ejected by Source, we felt rejected and abandoned and started to push against our own Source by becoming resistant. “Hey, you pushed against me, I am going to push back!”. Thereby we created a strategy of resistance with our patterns and armored it with ego.

Gradually we became attached to that resistance, we built it up to the point of creating an identity out of it. We became what we thought and what we felt, and to top it all we started to defend that setting. Oh la la! Hello conflicts! This incrusted resistance has become our replacement identity for the real us we lost by birthing in humanity. Resistance and attachments developed into our default  mechanism of defense.

Fortunately, we got fed up with this scripted scenario and started to shake things up. We wanted to find more fulfillment, more well-being, deeply driven by a soul longing.

The key to fulfillment is acceptance of self.

But in order to accept ourselves, we first have to own ourselves.

If we came up with an arsenal of resources these past decades to get back into the inherent power we naturally are, we still stumble upon a missing part. We all feel it more or less vaguely. We keep compensating for that missing part by creating more of the same, more conquests to make our life easier. But deep within we feel that if this improvement is undeniably good, it still doesn’t bring us what we really are looking for: true fulfillment.

What we don’t know is that a part of the essence we are made of is still missing. It has been forgotten in the equation of the creative power and fell in oblivion a longtime ago. That part is the feminine and emotional energy, the energy of the Great Mother of Creation. It is the Goddess side of divinity who, if she is allotted a reserved parking spot for the show, is still not performing on the stage of our reality! We are orphans of our very Mother and we keep yearning for her without even knowing it.

So one more time we are due to stretch the limits of our horizons. Upon retrieving that last past of our energy, we will become whole again and that is the promise of the New Era!


  • You want to be free, powerful but you are not and that hurts,
  • You feel a block in your stomach, a pressure in your chest, your mind always grinds, your flow is disrupted, you worry, you are anxious, insecure…
  • all that are signs of unconscious attachment to resistance!

If there was a click away to a magic trick, I would give it to you guys, promise; but let’s be real, unwinding our stuff takes time and commitment, all it takes is to start!

Want to glimpse on the other side? Dare to connect for your discovery session. It’s free and you are welcome!

Acceptance & Resistance

 About Natalie
Spiritual Teacher and revolutionary thought leader, Natalie Kawai is a messenger of the Great Mother of Creation. She champions the rise of feminine energy. This part of our presence having been denied from time of creation, we feel that something is missing. Time to return to wholeness and enjoy fulfillment beyond conditional happiness. Born on the shore of lake Geneva Switzerland, she now calls Hawaii her home! Her passion is to guide people to ultimate fulfillment, beyond all ego. She also is a music composer and an artist.