Why do the laws of attraction work for some and don’t for others

Why do the laws of attraction work for some and don’t for others

We have the ability to create whatever we want, providing we are one with ourselves.

What does that mean?

We have our conscious self, the part of our power we have not forgotten and we also have our unconscious self, also called ego and patterns, that can be disguised in self-confidence!

The purpose of life in human form is to face our limitations, the shortage of our consciousness in a physical and solid manner, to make sure we won’t miss them anymore and fly away with our unconscious and egoic power.

From victims to creators, we have gone through different epochs relying on the force of the Universe to give us what we felt deprived of, all the way to realizing that our intentions and thoughts had power with the New Age. We started to carve away our lives with the principles known from ages and constantly rediscovered and improved.

So why do some of us can apply the laws of attraction and get results and some of us fall short, feeling left aside and frustrated? What’s wrong with me kind of question?

Aside from having programs and emotions that stand in your way,

which you can remedy…

it all depends on the age of your soul!

With the soul, the foundational energy of your being, comes soul agreements. A soul agreement is a contract passed with ourselves prior to incarnation to make sure we are faced with the circumstances and situations that will make us grow in awareness. We have several of them. Soul agreements are the most influential parts of our power; we can put them aside for a while, but they will always resurface since they are in place for us to achieve our life purpose: full awakening.

You might have experienced your power through the ages with the cleansing of your inner tracks and the mastery of manifestation  techniques, and you might have gotten what you wanted. The first step of the evolution ladder is reached. You are a creator and you can talk to your creators. And they respond in physical form by giving you what you ask. You don’t feel alone anymore, you ask and it’s given. The laws of attraction are a communication system that reassures and proves your value, your importance.

So far so good. You feel happy because you get what you want. And getting what you want makes you feel heard and therefore it proves your value. It also makes you feel powerful and that is a good feeling.

Back to soul agreements.

Why would somebody interfere with this apparent wonderful system of communication and manifestation and start putting sticks in its wheels?

Simply because over time, as an old soul, we got tired of just getting what we wanted, like a baby crying for its bottle. We needed some more substantial nutrients, we needed to raise the barre and not only feel reassured about our value. We wanted to grow ourselves to fully BE that value. We felt the imperative call to recover the full count of our lost divinity, to live our true nature one hundred percent.

That’s why we erect soul agreements that will bar access to our “old style” creative power. The problem is that upon being born, we don’t remember having formed these contracts and feel very impeded and frustrated to not be able to create what we think we want.

Now there are 3 ways to go about soul agreements.

1. You can deny them and live in frustration and regret, coping with your reality as best you can, feeling secretly or obviously victimized.

2. You can artificially accept them and elevate yourself to be a spiritual player, redirecting the flow of your frustration with philosophies and techniques you picked along the way. That will help you balance the ups and downs of your denial.

3. Or you can see that you have work to do by regaining the lost pieces of you still crying out to be recovered. That’s called full awakening. It is the ultimate path that will lead you to complete wholeness. From that point on you will be able to create what you want from a place of purity, being ultimately aligned with your Source. You will have surrendered your programed ego all the way.

Then your soul agreements will have accomplished their purpose, they will have brought you to the wholeness we are called to become.


  • Challenged and perplexed about the course of your life where things don’t seem to work?
  • Looking at the life of others and wondering why you seem to not be part of the game?
  • Asking yourself: what is wrong with me?
  • Always seeking but not really finding the answers?

Then let’s talk! Book a 1:1 free consultation with me and let’s take a look together! Info@NatalieKawai.com

About NatalieWhy do the laws of attraction work for some and don't for others

Spiritual Teacher and revolutionary thought leader, Natalie Kawai is a messenger of the Great Mother of Creation. She champions the rise of feminine energy. This part of our presence having been denied from time of creation, we feel that something is missing. Time to return to wholeness and enjoy fulfillment beyond conditional  happiness.Born on the shore of lake Geneva Switzerland, she now calls Hawaii her home! Her passion is to guide people to ultimate fulfillment, beyond all ego. She also is a music composer and an artist. 



The Challenge Of Our Time – Finding Balance Between Masculine And Feminine Power

The Challenge Of Our Time – Finding Balance Between Masculine And Feminine Power

Everything in our world is given birth by a mother! We are of course, and all the animals and plants. The transport of nutrients from mother to embryo appears to be the common life vehicle for all of us. The maternal placenta and blood vessels are developing and sustaining the embryo. It is called viviparity which means giving life birth.

That model comes from another one, the divine energy that created us. Behind all creation there are parents, a Mother and a Father, who give birth and have specific roles in that giving life process. We are created in the liking of both our biological and divine parents.

For eons of time we have focused all our attention to just one side of the creative process, the Father side; the Spirit and electrical aspect of the equation.The Mother side, still mostly unknown and un-recognized all the way is the Will, coming from the Whole; the magnetic aspect of creation. This aspect grounds us to our Source, it is the part that gives birth and sustains the whole life process.

We have a tendency to take that process for granted, to sort of forget where we are coming from, because it feels natural to be created. We are as fresh as a button, not asking ourselves any questions and enjoying our situation, thanking the Father for having created us. Ok, and if He’s certainly part of the process…  who carried the embryo, the seed, nurtured it until it became ready to be on its own? The Mother of course.

The Mother is the emotional energy, the feeling energy, repressed so deeply that we barely feel its core origin. We have been in the habit of wiping out what was not feeling good and buried a precious portion of ourselves unknowingly. If we don’t feel what we really feel, then we miss the point. We miss a part of ourselves, the Will, still buried and lost underneath.

The Will is the oil from which our Spirit can burn. It is the conduit to our Source.

We have to take ownership of the lost Will, by recognizing that our negative emotions are the very signals driving us to the parts of ourselves still un-awakened. That entails to stop the denial of our negative emotions, stop covering them up with better thoughts/ positive attitude, and stop erasing them all together. Because if we continue to do so, we perpetuate this gap with ourself, thus preventing our wholeness.

We have contoured our pain forever in a profound repulsion mechanism. We never want to feel pain. We have become the champion of quick fixes and instant gratification. And as long as we don’t want to take a look at our pain, we will keep away from our selves from our original Source. As long as we keep our pain in the denial pit with a temporary fix, we will keep avoiding our basic and true self and keep ego with darkness in the mix. There is no way around that.

As long as we don’t recognize the Mother aspect of creation, we will not be able to ground ourselves all the way to our Source and become whole.

As women it is our responsibility to not only give birth to men, but also to guide them to the other side, into the receptiveness of their feminine energy. In order to be able to do that, we have to become whole ourselves, by regaining our lost Will.


Are you ready to get more real  and truly fulfilled in your life?

To evolve to the next level of consciousness?

Are you ready to recover the power that lies underneath your negative emotions

Instead of controlling them with your thoughts?

Are you ready to be whole once and for all,

establish balance between masculine & feminine and

end discordances and duality within yourself and between all people?

Then book your free 1:1 consultation with me and let’s get started! info@NatalieKawai.com

About Natalie Kawai

The Challenge Of Our Time - Finding Balance Between Masculine and Feminine PowerSpiritual Teacher and revolutionary thought leader, Natalie Kawai is a messenger of the Great Mother of Creation. She champions the rise of feminine energy. This part of our presence having been denied from time of creation, we feel that something is missing. Time to return to wholeness and enjoy fulfillment beyond conditional  happiness.Born on the shore of lake Geneva Switzerland, she now calls Hawaii her home! Her passion is to guide people to ultimate fulfillment, beyond all ego. She also is a music composer and an artist. 

Self-confidence vs. Ego

Self-confidence vs. Ego

The other day, a good friend of mine said to me: 

I am not coming from ego, I am self-confident!

That got me thinking.

To be self-reliant definitely feels powerful. We can think we come from a deep centered place but is it real? Let’s examine.

To be fully confident, we have to know ourselves, we have to be whole. To be whole we have to own all the consciousness there is. Since we lost a chunk of it upon incarnating, we start our journey lacking a portion of this precious substance. And the journeys of our life are precisely offered for us to conquer this lost substance, so that we can realize it consciously.

In the beginning we have replaced the lost consciousness by ego and patterns; it is our human challenge. Away from self, ego has invariably set in. Its role is to compensate the distance. The flaw of this system is that it keeps us separated from the wholeness of our Consciousness.

Ego will dupe you to believe that you are in self-confidence.

We have lived with ego for so long… it is so deeply intertwined in our subconscious layers that we are attached and hold on to it for dear life!

Ego is trained to make you feel good about yourself, because it has been its role forever. Wanting to keep its position, it makes you think you are powerful, centered and altogether in the mastery of your life. And to a degree it’s true. You can create what you want from ego, the only problem is that if you feel good, it will only be conditional and temporary; you will always have to find something better to make you feel good again, to top it all. It becomes the pursuit of more, because there is a missing part inwardly that cries to compensate with more outwardly.

Ego is here to make you think that your good has to improve. There is a missing part in you that calls you and makes you feel always incomplete; no matter what happens around, how much money you have, how much power you dispose of, how much love you receive. It’s never enough.

Being steered by ego is our predicament, because it has become entrenched in our fibers, in our DNA, and we don’t realize its presence anymore. A favorite ego strategy is to make us think we are whole and therefore confident, when in fact we are satisfying our ego demands in disguise.

Self-confidence can only exist in the totality of our presence, which means that if you are lacking a part of you, it will be replaced by ego. That’s a law in humanity. If we are self-confident from an ego position, then we are in an illusionary confidence. We carry forth ideas and creations that transmit that lack of wholeness, keeping us and others in the same mode, over and over.

The story line changes, but the plot is the same.

Life-styles improve but inside, the same wounds are still open.

Self-confidence coming from ego feels squeaky. The problem is that we learned to deny the squeakiness, attached to feeling safe instead of exploring further.

Questions: Are you ready and bold enough to examine where you are coming from?

To learn more, click here to schedule a 1:1 free consultation with me, and leave your comment or question below!

About Natalie Kawai

Spiritual Teacher and revolutionary thought leader, Natalie Kawai is a messenger of the Great Mother of Self-confidence vs. egoCreation. She champions the rise of feminine energy. This part of our presence having been denied from time of creation, we feel that something is missing. Time to return to wholeness and enjoy fulfillment beyond conditional happiness. Born on the shore of lake Geneva Switzerland, she now calls Hawaii her home! Her passion is to guide people to ultimate fulfillment, beyond all ego. She also is a music composer and an artist.

True Purpose – The Real Meaning Of Our Life

True Purpose – The Real Meaning Of Our Life

What is our destiny as the people of Earth? Why are we here and what are we supposed to do? What is the purpose of life? Why do we die, and why do we have to go through torments, pains, frustrations, and desires that remain unfulfilled? Why do we all dream about a better world?

Whether we admit it or not, we all are haunted by these questions. We try to live our lives in the best possible way to enjoy and create what we want so we can be happy, or at least convince ourselves that we are. We actively create on Earth an emulation of Source that we “think” will bring us happiness and fulfillment. We mimic our Source to feel happy. We do that mostly by controlling our mindset. It is a first step and it is of course a good one, but restricted. We function on half our potential and we don’t even know it!

Thinking that achieving wellbeing in a material and emotional manner, flowing positive thoughts, cultivating a good attitude, changing old programs for better ones is going to fulfill our ultimate goal is still part of a temporary illusion. It only means “emulating” Source, but it doesn’t mean we have achieved our true purpose, which is being Source -—consciously experiencing what was ours to begin with; the piece of real estate that we used to own in Source. That only will give us a deep sense of fulfillment that nothing can compare with.

As human beings we have a hard time conceiving that we can BE Source, because we feel that this would be a form of blasphemy, we are attached to not being entitled. We are still traumatized by our entry into the world, our incarnation that was pretty hectic one must say! We are deeply embedded with a sense of having done something wrong and therefore hang on to our diminished sense of being.

Returning to full consciousness is the purpose of our life. It means to actively search for the parts of us that are still in limbo. Then we will be able to apply that consciousness to the vivid creation of our life. That only will fulfill us, since creativity is our primary identity.

Question –
Still confused about the purpose of your life?
Don’t hesitate to reach out for me! We’ll have a conversation and share our experiences! info@nataliekawai.com

About Natalie

Spiritual Teacher and revolutionary thought leader, Natalie Kawai is a messenger of the Great Mother of Creation. She champions the rise of feminine energy. This part of our presence having been denied from time of creation, we feelTrue Purpose - The Meaning of our Life that something is missing. Time to return to wholeness and enjoy fulfillment beyond conditional happiness. Born on the shore of lake Geneva Switzerland, she now calls Hawaii her home! Her passion is to guide people to ultimate fulfillment, beyond all ego. She also is a music composer and an artist.



Why Do We Get Jealous?

Why Do We Get Jealous?

How to feel better out of the crows of jealousy

Even when spiritually evolved, a lingering feeling of jealousy can harbor within the best hidden place in us. If we don’t understand why it is there and what to do about it, a lot of energy otherwise held up can be freed!

Repurpose the energy entrapped into jealousy.

When you feel jealous, it’s because your energy is into someone else or something else. The typical crime of passion describes it very clearly. Curtis loves Cecilia who betrays him with Neal. Curtis is all the way entrenched into Cecilia, to the point of total blindness of reason. Curtis kills Neal, because he needs to own Cecilia entirely. His emotions raised to fury when he learns that Cecilia went with Neal, because at this very moment, he feels that he lost a huge piece of himself and that makes him furious, to the point of suppressing a life.

That is extreme of course, but very descriptive.

When you envy someone for their looks, their success, their career, or whatever they have that looks like a benefit you deeply want, you are jealous. You become identified with something outside of you. That feeling can range from mild to extreme and it haunts you, whether you admit it or not. You can camouflage it, put some kind thoughts or words on it— “I am happy for you”, and pretend that you are not jealous, but… that is just a form of repression.

Repression is not doing any good to your system, even though you might feel you are in control.

Jealousy is the most natural feeling that we humans can feel when we don’t have the quality or advantage we want in life and look around at those who have it. Why? Because of our habit to project ourselves out, and to project what we want onto the world in a desperate attempt to get it.

Jealousy is a strong signal that you are away from yourself, yearning for that piece of you, you are trying to get by projecting it outside on the screen of life.

This pursuit never works and one will always end up feeling frustrated, sad, morose, enraged or disillusioned. Looking to find ourselves into others and into the three dimensional reality is a deep illusion that even those who know about it fall into, because it has many layers.

What to do about it. Number one rule. Don’t deny!

Follow the stream of your emotion. Feel it to the brim until it is all transformed, turned back into pure power. Then you will have triumphed from your projection, your alienation outside of you and return to your Self, and your own power.


  • When jealous, are you ashamed, angry, self-critical, sad, aggressive?
  • Do you repress your jealousy not knowing what to do with it?
  • Or launch it out creating deviated frictions?

If you knew how to deal with your jealousy and return to peace without suffering, you would have done it a long time ago! I can help with radical solutions. Don’t hesitate to connect with me at info@nataliekawai.com

About Natalie

Why Do We Get Jealous?

Spiritual Teacher and revolutionary thought leader, Natalie Kawai is a messenger of the Great Mother of Creation. She champions the rise of feminine energy. This part of our presence having been denied from time of creation, we feel that something is missing. Time to return to wholeness and enjoy fulfillment beyond conditional happiness. Born on the shore of lake Geneva Switzerland, she now calls Hawaii her home! Her passion is to guide people to ultimate fulfillment, beyond all ego. She also is a music composer and an artist.