Because we unknowingly lived forever in the lack of ourselves by missing the Will or Mother energy, we feel diminished; only a portion of our in-heritage is present. We have functioned on one leg instead of two, thus feeling invalid —a part of our value is off.  This denied energy causes us to believe that we are not entitled to be, being-ness is only for divinity. That’s why we are stuck in mimicking our Source instead of reaching to be it. We think we are “only human” which disallows us to go the whole nine yards and re-enter our place in Source.

Before we can become one with our Source, we are in relationship with it. We relate with our Source as a reassurance-communication platform in order to know whether we are on the right track. When we belong with our place in Source, we have stepped into it, and therefore, we don’t need to relate with it to find out whether or not we are on track. We just know it.

The purpose of incarnation is to lose consciousness to create a strong motivation to regain it. That happens by experiencing Source and our disconnection from it. Once we regain our lost consciousness we regain our place in Source; we have returned home and are now fully conscious of who we are. And that is the very goal, since before the Big-Bang we were in Source without knowing who we are.

Instead of doing the work of recovering our lost consciousness, we have a tendency to stay stuck in emulation which is an unconscious projection of ourselves onto Source as a way to feel safe and on track.

Time to evolve and move forward— Let’s get over our unconscious complacency to remain diminished!


  • Unsure about the meaning of emulating vs. being Source?
  • Questions about how to evolve and be all that you are?

I am here to answer. Feel free to connect with me and ask for your no-obligation discovery session: info@NatalieKawai.comWhy emulating divinity is easier to accept than to “be” our Source.

About Natalie Kawai

Spiritual Teacher and revolutionary thought leader, Natalie Kawai is a messenger of the Great Mother of Creation. She champions the rise of feminine energy. This part of our presence having been denied from time of creation, we feel that something is missing. Time to return to wholeness and enjoy fulfillment beyond conditional happiness. Born on the shore of lake Geneva Switzerland, she now calls Hawaii her home! Her passion is to guide people to ultimate fulfillment, beyond all ego. She also is a music composer and an artist.