In any situations of our lives, before we can even think a thought, pouf… something else is already going on… a pre-thought, an energy that shows un-invited but is very present and overbearing: Judgement.

We judge inherently because ever since we were born we felt this obscure need to protect ourselves from the world, from others, from the unknown environment we came into. We get these thoughts form our lineage, culture, race, religion, and on top of what we received, we build our own line of defense.

As spiritual people, we had learned not to judge, but believe me we still do. It is an inevitable and very unconscious mark of our humanity. Judgement is what keeps us separate from ourselves and from others. It is the result of our programs and ego that make us repel parts of ourselves and others. It is a reflex programed in our mind and emotional body that is devious and disable the love from our heart to flow forward.

Judgement squeezes energy, it contracts, stresses our systems. We know it is not aligned and we don’t like it but we don’t know what else to do. Because judgement is here to replace parts of ourselves that we don’t have yet. We suffer from it, unconsciously or not, and shoot judgement as arrows to project outside the discomfort we feel inside.

We judge because we feel incomplete, and we feel incomplete because we deny ourselves.We judge because we feel a void inside and by judging we express the pain caused by that void. The more we judge and the more we shrink and contract inside. Because when we judge, anything or anyone, what we judge is ourselves as a reflection, therefore condemning ourselves.

When you capture that moment of judgement, what you want to do is, 1) acknowledge, don’t deny or repress,  2) feel the pain you cause yourself by judging, the shame, the anger, etc., and 3) go deep and ask yourself why? If you don’t find an answer don’t worry, don’t feel discouraged, let it go for now and later, when another opportunity presents itself ask again. Your Source, inner guidance will never let you down and you’ll finally understand. When you do the work of recovering the power that is underneath the judgement, you’ll empower YOU and will align you with your Source, which is the Purpose of our lives.

Judgement is a projection of hatred, which is a distance from self-acceptance or love.

When you judge yourself or others, you attack and that is a SELF-condemnation. Don’t deny or repress the pain you feel, the discomfort, accept it and work at it.


  • Feeling that hidden & nagging energy of judgment inside shooting out of nowhere?
  • Insidiously attacked by a heart wrenching feeling of self-condemnation? self-criticism?
  • Don’t worry, it is not your fault!

Don’t hesitate to contact me for a complementary discovery session:

About Natalie

Screen Shot 2015-05-03 at 10.30.49 PMSpiritual Teacher and revolutionary thought leader, Natalie Kawai is a messenger of the Great Mother of Creation. She champions the rise of feminine energy. This part of our essence having been denied from time of creation, we feel that something is missing. Time to return to wholeness and enjoy fulfillment beyond conditional happiness. Born on the shore of lake Geneva Switzerland, she now calls Hawaii her home! Her passion is to guide people to ultimate fulfillment, beyond all ego. She also is a music composer and an artist.