When you are in pain, experience a depressed state or are less than happy, your emotional or physical system is giving you a signal.

This signal let’s you know that you are away from yourself.

How does that work? Why are we away from ourselves?

Because of the mechanism of projection.

Since we are in a state of inner fragmentation, we always project our energy out in an unconscious attempt to find ourselves. The mirror of our reality being the world, we project ourselves onto people, situations, as well as philosophies, concepts and ideas. Having moved from ourselves to an outer space, we are then forced to take care of “ourselves” by taking care of the situation or person we are projected onto. That is called co-dependency.

This mechanism is totally automatic, and we have applied it forever.

It creates a lot of problem. Being out of yourself, you don’t feel grounded or present, and on the contrary feel dependent, ill-at-ease, afraid and altogether shaky. You always need to have something or somebody in your environment to feel whole, secure and stable.

This mechanism also creates relationships between individuals based on co-dependency with the arsenal of joys and pains, love and hatred that follows inexorably. When the energy goes back and forth and the parties find what they want, all is good. When a party gets tired of this game and wants to come back to themselves, or project to another situation or person, then problems arise. No one wants to be dependent on anyone, or anything. We are freedom based beings! Resentment builds up that will explode in different scenarios: break up, rebellion, aggression, betrayal, manipulation, undercover blackmail and so forth; all the way to the other end of the spectrum— passive aggressive behavior, resistance and victimization. It will create a permanent and unspoken tension.

In all types of relationships we are projected onto, whether personal or professional, our energy is trapped in an implicit contract:

“I want something from you and you give it to me, thus I love you“ or,

“I want something from you that you don’t give me and I resent you for it” or,

“ You want something from me that I don’t want to give you and I resent you for that” or,

“ You get something from me and I resent you, but I get something from you too, so I’ll pretend we are fine, but … I still resent you.”

Or some combination of the above.

The underlying dynamic built up in this conflictual imprisonment we all are unconsciously trapped into is either subtly or blatantly disastrous. It creates dissensions, misunderstandings all the way to destructive and sabotaging behaviors that can trigger lots of disappointment, sense of betrayal and hurtle.

In certain extreme cases, the pain that some people experience being projected outside of themselves is so intense that they can lose the clarity of their mind and develop mental diseases, become border line psychotics or asocials. This intense inner crisis can also lead individuals to committing crimes, rob or kill in society to revenge themselves for that inner state of unfulfilled dependency.

Projection is the number one reason we experience pain, since going out of ourselves is precisely what causes us pain. The radical solution to being free from this disturbing state of reliance on outside mirrors is to become whole through the full recovery of all that we are.

Once in wholeness, you own all your pieces and don’t have to be dependent on anything or anyone to be at peace. Then relationships with everyone and everything will be based upon true love, sharing your talents and abilities.


  • You feel less than happy and you wonder why?
  • You want radical solutions.

If you knew how to resolve your problem, you would have done it already, right? That’s why there are lots of people on Earth, we all solve each others issues, we all assist each other.  You have a problem, I have solutions. Don’t hesitate to reach for me: Info@NatalieKawai.com

About Natalie

The number one reason you experience pain.

Spiritual Teacher and revolutionary thought leader, Natalie Kawai is a messenger of the Great Mother of Creation. She champions the rise of feminine energy. This part of our presence having been denied from time of creation, we feel that something is missing. Time to return to wholeness and enjoy fulfillment beyond conditional happiness. Born on the shore of lake Geneva Switzerland, she now calls Hawaii her home! Her passion is to guide people to ultimate fulfillment, beyond all ego. She also is a music composer and an artist.