Ego is an energy entity, much like a person. It was born, grew in force and experience, and over time, developed strong characteristics of control and survival. Establishing its supremacy over us in a sly and solid strategy, it moves its puns on the game, in a systematic and under cover approach.

Its role is to preserve the newly found coherence of the identity we desperately try to restructure, after having lost a lot of our substance or consciousness through the “big bang” of creation.

The ego is necessary. Without it, we would still be scattered in limbo. We wouldn’t be able to have a form. Remember, after having exploded, we hastily recompose a semblance of our lost coherence, taping into the pool of fear-based thoughts all around, and patching up the holes with this replacement material. This new identity had to be kept together, tight and solid, and this is how the ego came to birth. The ego is like a membrane that has formed around our energy. It surrounds and keeps the integrity of the new cell we rekindled to survive, and go about our journey out of Source.

We put it in place, we created it and then, like everything that is given birth in this universe, it started to take on a life of its own. The energy of the ego is not coming from a dark zone, it is just energy, energy that wants to survive. Itʼs been assigned a role to begin with: the defense of the new found identity, which includes the patterns that have replaced our true self. And itʼs doing a really good job by not letting us easily free ourselves from this entity we have become. Its function is to do all it can to preserve the mold we assembled, and are entrapped into. Since we have been with our “ego” from day one of creation, it is well aware of our psychology and the least meander of our character, and therefore knows to perfection how to exploit them!

Everything in this universe is created from the very single Original Energy, and develops different traits and characteristics along the way. Away from its starting point, any energy entity will more or less severely stray, and experience outside the realm of its provenance. It will lose its remembrance and develop a renegade nature. It will think that it has become the master in command and will find a sense of self and power in a caricature of truth instead of truth. Spinning its wheels in an artificial land, it is doomed to collapse, when the light of truth finally comes back and shines over its shadows!

In the case of our personal ego, the power and full hegemony that it exerts upon us will only last until one wakes up from the illusion and starts to build up true power, regaining consciousness in the momentum of ongoing and dedicated work. Then the ego will be blocked in its track by the presence of self. The programs squatting the space will have to go and the keeper will have nothing to keep anymore! The ego will be on strike and at this point will convert back into a purer energy. That energy will still surround our cells, as a vibrational membrane to maintain our physical form, so that we can continue to experience our Source from the perspective of our incarnation.

Knowing that the ego is trained to be the keeper of the artificial order within, assuring the interim in the temporary absence of our Consciousness is good, but itʼs not enough to conjure up its intricate organization and dominance. This pseudo order within having become what we think we are, we will defend it and therefore enforce our ego.

It will feel safer for a while to operate from the old ego paradigm, but then as the soul evolves, it will become imperative to seek for truth, like air to breathe! At this stage, a person will look for ways to regain self and through implacable practice, will retrieve the lost consciousness. There will be an awkward passage, haunted by a lot of fear, where one will lose its bearings and step into the void without a net. The dissolution of the patterning, along with the backing down of the ego is very challenging since we functioned in this pseudo order forever. As fake as it is, that system is what we know and even outdated and dysfunctional, it feels safe and we are attached to it.

The ego is that voice inside that doesnʼt want things to change. It makes us feel that change is highly dangerous and we better off maintaining status quo. So stubbornness is one of the favorite weapons of the ego. It will also make us feel victimized by other people or situations so that we stay as far away from our power as we can.

Discouragement, doubt, boredom, sense of being defeated, incapable, unworthy, not good enough, too shy, too short, too old, too whatever, “I canʼt”, “I donʼt have the time”… and so forth are all part of the panoply of ego strategies to maintain status quo and disable a person to find their true self. Stepping in the unknown is challenging, no question about it, but the unknown is the place where instead of losing ourselves, we actually find ourselves! In the vastness of what we donʼt know lies the dormant consciousness that we so long for. By stepping into it, we create a bridge toward our very Self!

Dealing with the ego though is not dealing with the enemy; itʼs dealing with a part of us that has been assigned a function for the longest time and does not remember where it is coming from and where it belongs. It has become identified with its role. It is not about laying siege to the ego until it capitulates, itʼs about re-owning Self until the ego has nothing to fight for anymore, no pseudo structure to defend. It can then be recycled into the energy that it came from: Source.


  • A voice keeps nagging you in devaluing your true potential
  • Feel at time discouraged, bored, defeated, unworthy
  • Holding off, procrastinating, feeling stubborn
  • Then your good old ego is holding the deck too tight

Time to establish more of  YOU in the game so that you can be the master and play your card, instead of it playing you!

Feel free to book your discovery no-obligation session with me. I can’t wait to talking to you!

How to recycle your ego energy

About Natalie

Spiritual Teacher and revolutionary thought leader, Natalie Kawai is a messenger of the Great Mother of Creation. She champions the rise of feminine energy. This part of our presence having been denied from time of creation, we feel that something is missing. Time to return to wholeness and enjoy fulfillment beyond conditional happiness. Born on the shore of lake Geneva Switzerland, she now calls Hawaii her home! Her passion is to guide people to ultimate fulfillment, beyond all ego. She also is a music composer and an artist.