Understanding the premise of Creation reactivates the latent memory that we carry about our origin. It helps reawaken the consciousness we lost. Once we know what we are looking for we are more susceptible to find it.

In that context, let’s turn back the clock…

The burst of creation feels like an intense and traumatic chaos. From our cocoon of peace and quiet, we are propelled out in intense light and sound, much like birth from the human womb.

Our individuality is immediately defined by a sense of profound fear and resentment. Since we fragment and turn amnesic through the burst, we forget why we incarnate. We feel very victimized and in need to shield ourselves. We close down, solidify to protect ourselves, and by so doing create a rampart to consciousness. We block it up and start drifting away in a bubble of protest with our ego banner.

From this moment on, we try to constitute a sense of self outside the transparency of being-ness. We obstruct the flow and start to function out of reaction.

Being ejected, we feel re-jected and start to push against our Source. We feel diminished and limited and attach ourselves to that identity which  becomes our “human definition”.  We will then fight for that definition and create a consensus to protect our “human identity”. That’s how we give birth to the collective unconsciousness, alliance of humans to preserve what we think we are.

To re-unite with our self, we have to break down all the blocks of our “human definition”. But losing this pseudo identity is frightening because we feel we would lose ourselves and disappear.

Pushing against divinity in the fierce belief that we have to defend our diminished self is the last rampart that separates us from our Source. It takes dedicated warriors to go through it and recover full consciousness.

The recovery of full consciousness will eradicate the separation we still feel is lingering within. It will establish Heaven on Earth, which means the experience of our Source in our physical body and the material world. That experience is the reason why we come on Earth in the first place: To know our Source, who we are in a physical and tangible manner.

It might sound like science fiction, but so was flying in the 1900 and the invention of television ninety years ago!


  • You feel at peace just moments in the day and are eager to amplify this reality, it is your goal
  • You feel that something is missing in the human equation and you can’t quite pinpoint what it is
  • You are so eager to evolve, you want to know yourself, your soul power all the way

If so, feel free to connect with me, I am here to answer your questions! Let’s have a conversation. Sign up for a no-obligation discovery session, it’s easy : info@nataliekawai.com

How To Return To Peace - The Last Rampart

About Natalie Kawai

Spiritual Teacher and revolutionary thought leader, Natalie Kawai is a messenger of the Great Mother of Creation. She champions the rise of feminine energy. This part of our presence having been denied from time of creation, we feel that something is missing. Time to return to wholeness and enjoy fulfillment beyond conditional happiness. Born on the shore of lake Geneva Switzerland, she now calls Hawaii her home! Her passion is to guide people to ultimate fulfillment, beyond all ego. She also is a music composer and an artist.