The Collective Unconsciousness is a space in our minds and emotions created by the loss of presence we incurred when we incarnate.

It is the zone where all humanity converges and finds support in the pseudo comfort of the cultural imprints. It is a huge swamp tying our roots in its replacement basin, a subjacent track of communication where our programs of disconnection lie instead of our true and regained self. It has a strong and magnetic field exercising an untraceable attraction on all of us.

The collective unconsciousness moves all day long across the planet.

When something bad happens on Earth, we feel it and react by cramping up and fighting, adding to the fear and latent anxiety. When something good happens, hope is back in the picture and we relax and everything seems better. These movements go on and on with the flow of personal and mass reactions. They affect everybody on the planet. We unknowingly feel the pain, the conflicts, the anxiety and the joy of our entire humanity.

Through the collective unconsciousness power, we adhere to the programs and the beliefs of our culture, our family lineages, our tribes, our nations and what forms the very make up of humanity at large. We carry that imprint deep within as an identity, since we have not as yet regained the full presence of who we are.

Our purpose is to elevate ourselves from the tight rope of this collective consensus and always choose the emergence of true self over the attachment to the past and the comfort that it provides; even when we want to avoid our power/self and flee into the illusionary character of this escape-mechanism.

It takes work to extract ourselves from the collective unconsciousness and stay firmly anchored into our Source. It cannot resolve itself in a quick fix mindset alteration. It takes dedication to get consciously through the turmoil of the emotional baggage that tugs us to the core. That might sound heavy, but it is not when we know how to address it. The reward is priceless, because when you find your genuine self, you can finally breathe freely, purge the stress and relax enjoying pure well-being, true peace, because you have gained who you really are all the way!

When that happens you become part of a new trend of consciousness, the New Paradigm that impacts the world and lifts the weight of the old collective unconsciousness. That is how we will change the state of being of this planet and help other people to evolve, until they too… free themselves!


  • Subjected to random & inexplicable moods that take you away?
  • Still having a hard time stay firm in your heart undisturbed? 
  • Flooded unexpectedly by negativity at times?
  • Dependent on practices to stay afloat?

Don’t hesitate to contact me for a no obligation complimentary discovery session:

About Natalie

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Spiritual Teacher and revolutionary thought leader, Natalie Kawai is a messenger of the Great Mother of Creation. She champions the rise of feminine energy. This part of our presence having been denied from time of creation, we feel that something is missing. Time to return to wholeness and enjoy fulfillment beyond conditional happiness. Born on the shore of lake Geneva Switzerland, she now calls Hawaii her home! Her passion is to guide people to ultimate fulfillment, beyond all ego. She also is a music composer and an artist.