Recovering the Last Part of Our Power

The New Era is the time when the values of Source express naturally and profusely on Earth. It is when, by encompassing all the aspects of who we are, we accept our divinity and our humanity entirely, merging them in the place of oneness they belong to.

This is when the last step of Consciousness recovery comes into play.

Deep within, a lack of fulfillment still nags us. No matter what we create and how much we do, there is still something missing. We don’t feel complete since we are indeed not, which portrays the active duality we still have with our point of origin or Source. The denied essence, the feminine power in all of us—men and women—is still frozen in its forgotten place. It percolates throughout a deep muffled calling in our emotions—expressing its profound need for retrieval, still unrevealed. There is a sense of being ill-at-ease, ranging from minor to major, that we can’t pinpoint totally. We constantly and unknowingly repress and control it. It feels like a lack of authenticity, and it is such a lack, but there is even more to it than that.

Behind the lack of authenticity and connectedness we all suffer from, there is a truth that is still open and left pending. We do our best to compensate at the surface, with an amplifying societal movement. Today’s plethora of social media and communication platforms indicates the profound need of people to stop camouflaging and manipulating out of fear. It reveals a genuine desire to be open and vulnerable, trying to be who we really are. We don’t want to hide behind learned behaviors anymore; we want to be right there, interacting with others, sometimes virtually, but also live, eye to eye, voice to voice, and most importantly, heart to heart! We are witnessing a gigantic thirst for the resurrection of the values of Source. And that is great!

In order to access our authenticity from the group up, in all truth, without restrictions anymore, we need to regain the totality of our substance and abolish duality once and for all. We have to recover the part we have been deprived of for ages—the part we unknowingly crave. That part is our Mother energy, the feminine power that fell away from us in the beginning of time and yearns to be heard and reclaimed now!

We are all orphans of our divine mother. Her presence was severed a long time ago from the full equation of our essence for the purposes of our evolution. She is now resurfacing to claim her place in the matrix of our lives.

It is our responsibility to ourselves and to the planet, to humanity at large—we are all one—to awaken. Unless we own and awaken all of our essence, an ego portion will still be alive within us. And no matter how well we live, no matter how beautiful, sincere, and humanitarian our visions are, we will only perpetuate the persistence of ego—our resistance and attachment to the old paradigm. We will carry them on through our creations, our endeavors and actions, through our thoughts and partial being-ness, until we fully awaken.

The New Era is when we stop just emulating Source to feel approved by it through our creations and our success. We have to step up to the next stride, which is to BE our Source and become creators without ego interferences anymore, which means to be pure. The retrieval of the Will, the feminine energy, will achieve that purpose. I invite you to go along in this journey so we can bring about the New Era of consciousness on the planet.

It is time for us to recover our wholeness fully!