In order to be in the flow, in the now moment and fully present we have to “be” 100 percent. We have to steep in deeply to recover all of ourselves, because if we don’t, parts of us will always go into the magnetic habit of the old predicament. Mimicking the past, be haunted with thoughts of doubt, self-condemnation, self-criticism, and judgment, bouncing around to fill up the empty space in a scripted attempt to redeem and justify ourselves instead of acquiring ourselves.

This movement is so ancient and so rehearsed that we can’t avoid it. Our ego feeds  it, giving us an identity we are so attached to, that we cannot even see its fueling  our system. We don’t want to master wellbeing by only doing exercises that keep us in feeling good mode. We really want to address our being-ness, to harness it 100 percent by transmuting our false sense of self from the ground up.

As long as we rely on systems that keep us afloat without regaining ourselves, we will only achieve  partial victory. The true victory is wholeness of Self. Then we will radiate our truth naturally and effortlessly, and our thoughts will be in accordance with it.

That is the New Step in Evolution.


  • Do you feel good because you have found techniques or philosophies to remind you of who you are, to put you back on track?
  • Or do you experience true well-being because you totally own and are rooted into who you are?
  • Do you want to keep yourself afloat or do you want to regain yourself altogether?

To be or not to be, that is the question! Thank you Shakespeare for this pearl of wisdom!

Partial well-being mastered by techniques or natural well-being period is not only a question, it is a choice!

Dont hesitate to contact me for a complimentary discovery session: