The Missing Link – What is it?

The Missing Link – What is it?

The missing link, what is it?

Underneath our emotions lies the real gold!

In our human experience, two tracks are always running, our creative power divided in two parts. The mind and its thoughts, and the heart and its emotions. We have investigated the first one a lot, to the point where we are able to create realities by retraining our mind. We definitely have a handle on the mindset, however we still don’t know that it is partial and consequently limited.

We know about the power of emotions and we have gotten a definite handle on it as well; either by flowing positive emotions to superimpose the negatives, or by zapping the negatives from the unconscious layers which alleviate their charge and makes us feel better. We have mastered the way we feel to a degree, rising above our negativity which led us to better express ourselves. We regained space in our hard drive, a huge could has been lifted.

So far so good, and there is more than the simple engineering of our emotions. We have become so very good a replacing what is bad by what is good, whether it is thoughts or emotions, that we have not pushed further enough to uncover the truth underneath our emotions, where the real essence is still lying dormant.

An emotion is an energy that is pointing out towards a piece of ourselves still inactive. This energy is the “Will” the energy of the Mother of Creation, her very substance. It is time for us to recover that essence to become whole; wholeness being the origin of the Will, its point of departure.

… ”Deep in our matrix, lies a part of ourselves that has never been awakened. We hold within a lost consciousness that longs to return. This energy is our Mother of Creation; She has been denied since the beginning of time for the purpose of evolution. Whether men or women, we all bear that sacred substance within. Its name is the Will, coming from the Whole”. —First paragraph of my book “Conversations With Mother Goddess”.

When we don’t feel good, it is because our essence is calling us with a signal and wants to be retrieved. Since we don’t know that, we use our tools and do whatever we learned to feel better, thus stopping the depth of the signal. Feeling what we feel is honoring our emotions without a doubt, but the descent is not profound enough and the problem remains, the real gold is not found as yet. We only recover a portion of it but not the full amount.

That is the work cut out for us in the New Era. We have to awaken these deep seeded layers so that we can fully align with all the creative power of Source, and relegate the ego and darkness to an old memory. As long as there is ego, there is interference and therefore no wholeness; and as long as there is no wholeness, there is no return to Source.

It is now time to be our Source, not just emulate it anymore, and for that we have to reach wholeness!

The Will - Definition


  • You want to be the person you aspire to be
  • You want to make a difference in the world
  • You want to go beyond the settled order of things
  • And you want to feel your best!

Let’s talk! Connect with me for your complimentary discovery session! We’ll see how you can resurge more of your presence, feel good all the way and transform lives by being who you truly are:

About Natalie

Spiritual Teacher and revolutionary thought leader, Natalie Kawai is a messenger of the Great Mother of Creation. She champions the rise of feminine energy. This part of our presence having been denied from time of creation, we feel that something is missing. Time to return to wholeness and enjoy fulfillment beyond conditional happiness. Born on the shore of lake Geneva Switzerland, she now calls Hawaii her home! Her passion is to guide people to ultimate fulfillment, beyond all ego. She also is a music composer and an artist.

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