To be or not to be, that is the question

To be or not to be, that is the question

In order to be in the flow, in the now moment and fully present we have to “be” 100 percent. We have to steep in deeply to recover all of ourselves, because if we don’t, parts of us will always go into the magnetic habit of the old predicament. Mimicking the past, be haunted with thoughts of doubt, self-condemnation, self-criticism, and judgment, bouncing around to fill up the empty space in a scripted attempt to redeem and justify ourselves instead of acquiring ourselves.

This movement is so ancient and so rehearsed that we can’t avoid it. Our ego feeds  it, giving us an identity we are so attached to, that we cannot even see its fueling  our system. We don’t want to master wellbeing by only doing exercises that keep us in feeling good mode. We really want to address our being-ness, to harness it 100 percent by transmuting our false sense of self from the ground up.

As long as we rely on systems that keep us afloat without regaining ourselves, we will only achieve  partial victory. The true victory is wholeness of Self. Then we will radiate our truth naturally and effortlessly, and our thoughts will be in accordance with it.

That is the New Step in Evolution.


  • Do you feel good because you have found techniques or philosophies to remind you of who you are, to put you back on track?
  • Or do you experience true well-being because you totally own and are rooted into who you are?
  • Do you want to keep yourself afloat or do you want to regain yourself altogether?

To be or not to be, that is the question! Thank you Shakespeare for this pearl of wisdom!

Partial well-being mastered by techniques or natural well-being period is not only a question, it is a choice!

Dont hesitate to contact me for a complimentary discovery session:

What is the Will and why do we still miss it?

What is the Will and why do we still miss it?

Deep in our matrix, lies a part of ourselves that has never been awakened. We hold within us a lost consciousness that longs to return. This energy is our Mother of Creation; She has been denied since the be- ginning of time for the purpose of evolution. Whether men or women, we all bear that sacred substance within. Its name is the Will, coming from the Whole.

We have come a long way from the dark age of victim consciousness to the New Age where we became more aware of ourselves, applied our tools of creation, the power of thoughts and emotions, and started to release the blocks of our inner game. We have awakened to the Spirit side of Consciousness and are moving in long strides to the creation of our desires and the improvement of our lives.

It is time now to cover the last part of our awakening and restore the Consciousness and presence of our denied Will. However, since this feminine and emotional energy has been repressed from day one of creation, we don’t know how to retrieve it. As long as the Will is not in place, there will be a gap in our full consciousness, and in this gap, ego and duality will still influence our game.

The journey continues….


  • Do you feel deep down that something is still missing?
  • Still confused that no matter what you do spiritually you don’t feel whole?

Well you are right! Something is missing and we keep compensating with techniques that are good, but just cover the surface. The next step in evolution is to find the missing essence: the Will.


Don’t hesitate to contact me for a complimentary discovery session:

About Natalie…

natalie - photoSpiritual Teacher and revolutionary thought leader, Natalie Kawai is a messenger of the Great Mother of Creation. She champions the rise of feminine energy. This part of our essence having been denied from time of creation, we feel that something is missing. Time to return to wholeness and enjoy fulfillment beyond conditional happiness. Born on the shore of lake Geneva Switzerland, she now calls Hawaii her home! Her passion is to guide people to ultimate fulfillment, beyond all ego. She also is a music composer and an artist.

Mastering the mind

Mastering the mind

To be at peace beyond the domination of the mind is the purpose of all spiritual seekers. All human beings crave it without exception.

The purpose we must achieve with our thoughts is distinguishing between the ones coming from our Source and the ones coming from our ego/patterns. That simply means establishing ourselves in true being-ness, which is the purpose of our incarnation.

We can master our mind with thought, forcing it to re-frame, but that is a demanding and only partial conquest. In order to master the mind fully, we have to establish the presence of our whole self onto it. Then we will be the master of our minds naturally, having stepped away from its domination.

When we have mastered our mind, we embody the real essence of life. When this essence is backed up by the recovery of the lost Will, the Divine Feminine Energy or initial Consciousness, we achieve wholeness, we are no longer in a dual state. In this depth of alignment with Source, we reach full power naturally. Then our life is truly ours to direct and create.

The Will is the oil that allows the Spirit to burn
~Natalie Kawai

. Still feeling the mastery of your mind?
. Still mixed up between ego thoughts and Source
. Still struggling to maintain the flow of well-being
with good and harmonious thoughts?

Don’t hesitate to contact me for a complimentary discovery session:

About Natalie…

natalie - photoSpiritual Teacher and revolutionary thought leader, Natalie Kawai is a messenger of the Great Mother of Creation. She champions the rise of feminine energy. This part of our essence having been denied from time of creation, we feel that something is missing. Time to return to wholeness and enjoy fulfillment beyond conditional happiness. Born on the shore of lake Geneva Switzerland, she now calls Hawaii her home! Her passion is to guide people to ultimate fulfillment, beyond all ego. She also is a music composer and an artist.

Accepting pain as the key to wholeness

Accepting pain as the key to wholeness

A part of the substance of our Mother Creatress had to collapse, to be denied to create a dynamic, an experimentation system. That collapse generated holes in the whole! (W for Will and Woman went away!) It generated a lack of Self-acceptance affecting the entire universe. In this diminished sense of self, we establish and defend our individuality by pushing against and rejecting what is. We live in the “persona”, the shell we put on out of fear of the denied parts, the unknown.

We don’t recognize these parts since we lost and forgot them, and therefore can’t accept and re-own them. We are in a huge inward and outward pitfall with walls that keep us alienated from ourselves and others.

The way out of this predicament is to accept our Self, to uncover the parts of us that are buried under judgment, shame and hatred, and embrace them in our love, in our “acceptance”. What that means practically is to be willing to not resist what we truly feel anymore. Surrendering to the pain is the fastest, simplest tool to retrieve and accept ourselves, yet genetically, it’s the one we resist the most!


  • Do you deep inside feel that something is missing no matter what you do? no matter what you get?
  • Did you do some healing but are still not getting to that place within that you so long for?
  • Do you want to reach true fulfillment beyond all conditional happiness?


  • You are an old soul and your aspirations are profound
  • You found the place for all your deep questioning.
  • You are ready to live a life of ultimate fulfillment.

Don’t hesitate to contact me for a complimentary discovery session:

About Natalie…

natalie - photoSpiritual Teacher and revolutionary thought leader, Natalie Kawai is a messenger of the Great Mother of Creation. She champions the rise of feminine energy. This part of our essence having been denied from time of creation, we feel that something is missing. Time to return to wholeness and enjoy fulfillment beyond conditional happiness. Born on the shore of lake Geneva Switzerland, she now calls Hawaii her home! Her passion is to guide people to ultimate fulfillment, beyond all ego. She also is a music composer and an artist.

Enlightenment, Wholeness and Self-Realization

Enlightenment, Wholeness and Self-Realization

On the way to Self-Realization we can experience what we know as enlightenment. Enlightenment happens for some people when they are ready to integrate a part of their Essence— their Spirit, and have a profound experience with it. This integration can be incremental or total, depending on what one is ready to take in. It induces a state of bliss and peace. The realization of the Spirit is a step on the way to full Self-Realization but it is not mandatory. It depends upon one’s soul agreement. Some people will experience it, some won’t.

Enlightenment is a great state of Consciousness but it is not wholeness, since a portion of the Essence is still pending within, un-addressed and not activated. This part is the Will, the feminine and emotional energy. We certainly feel a lot but we don’t follow that guidance system to its core. We try to respect our feelings, embrace them and honor them and we certainly do a good job, but not good enough. We simply don’t know that we are stepping over a portion of what the feeling is pointing at, and we stay in control mode with techniques to re-center ourselves to a positive outlook.

In order to retrieve the Will, full transmutation is needed, which entails working with the emotional body, and dealing with pain. The resistance to our emotions is the last bastion that we have to surrender before we can truly realize our Self. The Will suffered from ages of repression and denial; it became frozen at the base of the iceberg, in the subconscious level, where we cannot even begin to feel it. We just have a deaf signal of “ill-at-easiness” that we override all the time, mostly with the control of our thinking, and our avoidance/denial strategies. In best cases, we think we honor our emotions by taking them in account, but we don’t know the depth of their significance. We are stuck in an “in between space” and live in a pseudo-identity, unknowingly attached to it. No mistake, we simply don’t know otherwise.

It is not necessary to first get enlightened to achieve Self-Realization. Once we work with the Will and retrieve it, it will naturally attract the Spirit; because of its magnetic nature, and because it gave birth to the Spirit in the first place. The Spirit wants to get back home to the Will. Once the Will is in place, there is no need for any control of the mind. No need for tweaking our thoughts to feel good. No need to hold to a philosophy or a practice to be aligned. One is at one with Self naturally, organically, and Self can express without interferences.

Natalie Kawai©2015


Recovering the Last Part of Our Power

The New Era is the time when the values of Source express naturally and profusely on Earth. It is when, by encompassing all the aspects of who we are, we accept our divinity and our humanity entirely, merging them in the place of oneness they belong to.

This is when the last step of Consciousness recovery comes into play.

Deep within, a lack of fulfillment still nags us. No matter what we create and how much we do, there is still something missing. We don’t feel complete since we are indeed not, which portrays the active duality we still have with our point of origin or Source. The denied essence, the feminine power in all of us—men and women—is still frozen in its forgotten place. It percolates throughout a deep muffled calling in our emotions—expressing its profound need for retrieval, still unrevealed. There is a sense of being ill-at-ease, ranging from minor to major, that we can’t pinpoint totally. We constantly and unknowingly repress and control it. It feels like a lack of authenticity, and it is such a lack, but there is even more to it than that.

Behind the lack of authenticity and connectedness we all suffer from, there is a truth that is still open and left pending. We do our best to compensate at the surface, with an amplifying societal movement. Today’s plethora of social media and communication platforms indicates the profound need of people to stop camouflaging and manipulating out of fear. It reveals a genuine desire to be open and vulnerable, trying to be who we really are. We don’t want to hide behind learned behaviors anymore; we want to be right there, interacting with others, sometimes virtually, but also live, eye to eye, voice to voice, and most importantly, heart to heart! We are witnessing a gigantic thirst for the resurrection of the values of Source. And that is great!

In order to access our authenticity from the group up, in all truth, without restrictions anymore, we need to regain the totality of our substance and abolish duality once and for all. We have to recover the part we have been deprived of for ages—the part we unknowingly crave. That part is our Mother energy, the feminine power that fell away from us in the beginning of time and yearns to be heard and reclaimed now!

We are all orphans of our divine mother. Her presence was severed a long time ago from the full equation of our essence for the purposes of our evolution. She is now resurfacing to claim her place in the matrix of our lives.

It is our responsibility to ourselves and to the planet, to humanity at large—we are all one—to awaken. Unless we own and awaken all of our essence, an ego portion will still be alive within us. And no matter how well we live, no matter how beautiful, sincere, and humanitarian our visions are, we will only perpetuate the persistence of ego—our resistance and attachment to the old paradigm. We will carry them on through our creations, our endeavors and actions, through our thoughts and partial being-ness, until we fully awaken.

The New Era is when we stop just emulating Source to feel approved by it through our creations and our success. We have to step up to the next stride, which is to BE our Source and become creators without ego interferences anymore, which means to be pure. The retrieval of the Will, the feminine energy, will achieve that purpose. I invite you to go along in this journey so we can bring about the New Era of consciousness on the planet.

It is time for us to recover our wholeness fully!